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pig nosed frog

22 14:37:00

I'm sorry to bother you but I really need some advice. I just got 3 reed frogs but within the cup they also placed a pig nosed frog! I have tons of frogs and love them but I had one. But is it ok if I leave him in there with the three reeds? It's a ten galloon tank and he looks so cute already burrowed. I would hate it though if he hate one of my reeds but he doesnt seem aggressive. Please write back soon!

Hi Taylor, What a nice little surprise for you! They are a very appealing frog. I would love to be able to give you an absolute guarantee that it will be harmless to your reeds but it really depends on the size difference. There are several species in the genus that contains the pig nosed or shovel nosed and some get larger then others, up to around 3 inches. I would be a bit nervous of putting that size with a 1 inch or less reed. Even though the mouth size and feeding habits of the shovel nose make it fairly unlikely that he would eat a reed, animals will surprise you and who wants to find out the hard way!  
If your pig nosed is only around 2 inches or less then I would feel confident putting him with adult reeds if I were in your situation.