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leopard gecko keeping

22 13:51:42

Hi, I have three leopard geckos: two females and a male. I have a 32 by 18 tank and I was wondering if that is appropriate for my leos.

Hi Bea,
Generally I recommend a 20 gallon long tank for one leo...the 20 gallon long is approx 30 inches long and I believe 12 wide.  For 3 leos, I would really got to a longer tank..although your 18 inch width is fine. Even going to something that is 36 inches long, basically is giving each leo only a foot of length.  Not much space for a critter that is approx. 8 inches long.  
What you may want to do is to give your male his own 20 gallon tank and let the two girls have the larger tank.  Keeping the male separate other than breeding season(if that is your intentions) is really recommended to reduce too early of an age breeding and stress on all 3 of them.  If you plan to breed, the females are then put with the male for a short period of time.
Some males are very aggressive breeders and can injure the females and many times their constant pursuit is not well accepted by the girls.