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Flapneck chameleon

22 14:00:21


Flapneck chameleon
Hi, I rehabilitate chameleons in South Africa. I have a Flapneck which was brought in entirely swollen. Most of the swelling has gone except for its front legs - is cannot grip and therefore cannot climb. Its tail is also not gripping. There is a discoloration on the affected limbs.It is a totally wild chameleon.Please can you advise me as to what the problem possibly is and how to treat it. (It has been 3 weeks since it was admitted).

Hi Wendy, Generalized edema like that is often the result of kidney infection or other disease of the kidney, although liver and heart problems can also have the same result. That type of medical problem is really beyond the scope of advice that I can offer. My knowledge and experience is limited to conditions directly related to inadequate captive husbandry and diet. I wish there was some advice I could offer you as I would love to see him be able to return to the wild. I'm intrigued by the fact that most of the swelling has gone down since he has been in your care. Has he been on antibiotics?