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dwarf chameleons?

22 14:59:41

Hello.  :]  i was wondering if you could give me some information about dwarf chameleons?  Also i am looking to adopt one, but i am not sure where I would adopt one from?  I live n Mission Viejo, california.  Thanks for helping me!  :]

Hey cristie,

hmmm well there are about 14 differant species (Bradypodion ) of dwarf chamleons out of over 135 differant chamleon specie's
and still discovering more most are found in south africa and madigascar, with a few species in india.the dwarfs are named by location i.e. Knysna Dwarf Chameleon, Drakensberg Dwarf Chameleon, Transkei Dwarf Chameleon and so far as adoption i can only suggest that you get a hold of your local s.p.c.a and also any wild life resue centers in california, i believe angelest crest wild life sanctuary is the largest, and inquire about availability.also realize that the mortality rate for chameleons is high as there care is pretty demanding.but if you get to that point you can write me back and we will get you set up to handle it. also in van nuys california there is a pet store called slither city owned by wes and theresa pallock he may be able to help you find and aquire some dwarfs. he is an old buisness partner and is top notch in knowledge, and finding hard to get reptiles. well i hope this was helpful let me know.

        and thanx for the ?'s