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sick crested head gecko

22 14:45:34

QUESTION: Our gecko (Gimely) is just over a year old and was growing and eating great until about a month ago.  He no longer climbs in his cage and appears weak and does not walk right.  When I take him out he barley moves.  I have been hand feeding him baby food and spraying his cage daily.  Can you please help us.   Mindy

ANSWER: Hi Mindy, Nutritional deficiencies are the prime suspect whenever reptiles display the inability to climb, weakness and other impaired movement. Calcium deficiency is the most common.  It can be caused by a lack of calcium in the diet or by too much phosphorous or a lack of vitamin D3 which helps the body absorb dietary calcium. Cresteds should have a combination of insects and fruit and both should be supplemented with  powdered calcium/D3  regularly.
If this is something that has been missing from his diet then you can add that to the baby food immediately. I would also soak him in a little tepid water to enourage a bowel movement and maintain hydration. A visit to a qualified reptile vet is always a recommended option as well. Best of luck with Gimely.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Will the lack of calcium cause his front feet to look deformed?  Will they stay that way of go back to normal?

Hi Mindy, The deficiency often becomes evident in the legs first but anywhere there is bone is affected. The leg bones will soften and become "bowed". Instead of looking like an "L" shape they get a "U" shape. If there has been deformity of the bone then that is likely permanent. As the bones strengthen animals do usually regain their ability to climb. They  may remain a bit handicapped and require some adjustments to their cage to compensate.