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leopard geckos

22 14:27:29

i inherited 2 leos from my son, don't know if male or female but they get along well with the occasional wrestling match.  i just inherited 2 more from someone who didn't want them. i have to assume male AND female as they have eggs when i received them.  i also got a 100 gal. tank with them.  i guess my question is can i put them all in the big tank and get a separator for the tank? incidentally,
my first 2 leos eat crickets and was informed the 2 new ones eat meal worms..haven't a clue about meal worms!

Dear Patty,
thank you for your question.
You cannot house them together if there are two males, but it's possible to divide the tank. It's probably better if the divider is opaque so that the males cannot see each other. Here are pictures that show how to sex leopard geckos:

Before housing them together, let a herp vet check fecal samples of both groups to make sure that they are healthy and don't have any parasites. You can find lists of herp vets here:

The new geckos should eat crickets without problem. If they don't accept them at first, just keep on offering the crickets. Ging without food for a week or even longer is not a problem for a healthy leo (they should not be fed more than twice per week or small portions of one or two insects each day anyway). Since there's a mealworm shortage for some reason, it may be better to get the new gecko on crickets, but otherwise you can offer both, as well as locusts, feeder roaches, small earthworms, waxworms or silkworms (alive or dried).
I hope I was of some help to you