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turtle cage bugs!!

22 14:24:13

Hi. I have a 7 year old box turtle who is healthy and happy and lives in my preschool. She has reptibark for her bedding, a warm water dish and a dish for food. She also has a heat lamp with UV bulb and a heated rock and under thing. I've never had a bug problem except when I need to change the bark and clean her cage, but now when I do that it doesn't do any good. I soaked her in lice removal stuff because a vet said to do that, I got some mite spray and sprayed her and her bedding (which was new), and I've had no luck with the bugs going away. In fact, they are multiplying!! It is driving me crazy!! They are not mites because they fly,and look sort of like fruit flies.
I read somewhere that turtles shouldn't be in bark in their houses, but I've never had a problem before with it. What do you suggest I do to get rid of the bugs??

Jessica,                                                                I never use reptibark in any moist environment it attracts bugs. Try changing her bedding more often or switching to sand. You can go to lowes or home depot and get a bag of fine sand. It is much cheaper than the petshop. Change it as necessary.......Good Luck,Tina