Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > i think something is wrong with my bearded dragon

i think something is wrong with my bearded dragon

22 14:37:51

QUESTION: Hi, the tank is 4ft by 2ft by 2ft. I think I'll stick with them lights you recommended instead of tube lights for now.
She doesn't squint her eyes, I haven't seen her do that anyway, she just mainly keeps them closed as if trying to sleep.
Does it mean anything when she sleeps with her mouth open just a little bit?

ANSWER: Hello Gemma,

That is a good sized tank!  Ok, the tube lights are fine then.  You could get a dual tube fixture & get 2 of them & they only have to run the lights half to 3/4ths of the tank, that is it.  Then, just put a bright white basking light on one of the ends.  
Good her eyes are not or have not been squinting.  
I think alot if not all of them tend to sleep with their mouths open slightly at the end.  That should not be a problem.  

Let me know how she is doing.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, I got a tube light one, of the ones you said would be ok, all the lighting is done now. She is improving already, shes running about as usual and doesn't have her eyes shut much except when shes trying to sleep at night and the odd one in the day. Thank you so much for your help I really appreciate it and I bet Larry does as well. Thanks again!

Hello Gemma,

GREAT that Larry is already doing better wow, that is super to hear.  So she is acting as if nothing ever happened now, huh?  Wow I am happy that we caught it in time, thank goodness.  
Good that she is not shutting her eyes quite as much as she was.  She should be on the road to recovery now.  :-))
