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Classroom pet

22 14:44:24

My wife is a sixth grade teacher and she is looking for some sort of reptile for a class pet. She would like one that the kids can carefully handle with adult supervision that won't cost us too much (hopefully under $50) Can you advise? Thanks

Jim,                                                         There are a couple very kool ones I can suggest, but not too many you can handle like she wants too. I have lots of teachers in the store hermit crabs are big. I have one that keeps pac man frogs (definately not handleable). I would recommend anoles. They are cheap and love to be handled. The more the calmer they become. She can start a small community of them. Remember though, they need a small heating pad underneathe one side and an at least 50watt uva light over them. She can get one at a time and add as she wants. They are very social. They do well with long tailed lizards too. So she can have some variey. Good Luck, Tina