Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > My 2 Leopard Geckos

My 2 Leopard Geckos

22 13:53:38

QUESTION: i think my Leopard Geckos might be sick.   They are not eating at all,  and they are having problems shedding their skin.  There is skin left on the toes of one, which I have tried to get off, but have been unsuccessful.   And the other has a little skin left on its nose, and a bit on its toes.   Also the one that has skin left on its toes,  has changed color, it is a darker brownish/tan color and it used to be a brighter yellow.  What is going on?  They are both females.   Please help.... Thank you!

ANSWER: Hello Carolyn,

What is your tank setup like?
Do you have a moist humid hide/cave for them?  What are the temperatures in the tank?
Do you have them on sand or paper towels?
They do need some humidity in order to help them shed properly, so that could be part of the problem.  
You could give them a bath if you would like, that will help the retained shed come off.

The toes will become necrotic if that skin does not come off.  So, we need to get that off as soon as possible.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION:  To answer your questions,

I have very fine sand on the bottom of the tank.  We have a shallow water dish, and a dish for mealworms.  The humidity says it is in the Tropical section, and the temperature is at about 70 degrees.  I have a heat pad on one half of the tank.  I do have a spray bottle that I have sprayed them with when shedding, so that they can get it off better.  We don't handle them a whole lot, so they might bite.  NOt sure though.  I will try and help them get that skin off of the toes, I know it is dangerous to them to have it on there still.   What about the change in the color, is that normal?   They are older now and about 8 inches long from nose to tip of tail.   We have had them about a year or more now.  And have never had any problem until now.    

Thanks again,


Hello Carolyn,

Well, they should not bite, but try to get them out to handle them a bit more.  
It is much easier & more effective to put a moist humid hide/cave on the warm end of the tank than spray them down.  
The warm side needs to be around 88-90 or so, & the cooler end around 78-82 or so. You should look into getting a low wattage light bulb to be used on the end of the warm side to use in combination with the heating pad.
The change of color could be that they are not warm enough.  When they get darker, they are trying to absorb some heat.
Make sure that they are not ingesting the calcium sand so they wont get impacted from that.  
