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house gecko egg

22 14:45:26

I own a nursery here in altanta GA. Today I found a gecko egg for the second
time. Both times the egg hatched in my hands. I worried that they hatch
prematurely from my handling of the eggs. Both times the gecko popped out
and started crawling. Did they hatch premature? Will they be O.K. without the
egg yolk to eat?
I am very concerned!

When a lizard hatches the yolk is almost totally in the body and the yolk sac may be attached but falls off soon after.  If he opened the egg and got ou himself, he was full term.  And they are naturally on their own from that moment on.  Your lucky to have a few house geckos, a very organic way of getting rid of insect pests.  Those geckos will do a great job.