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broken tail on my bearded dragon

22 14:36:23

My bearded dragon has a broken/ripped tail and he doesn't seem to be in pain.  We have had him for 8 months and he is about 10years old.  I found him like that this morning in his cage.  Should he see a vet or is this something that happens to bearded dragons?

Hi Ang,
Its common and generally not a problem if it is a complete break.  If its not complete, you may want to have a vet check it out.  For now(even if its complete) remove any sand you have in the tank, use newspapers or paper towels, cloth towels or something on the order of... and apply some neosporin ointment to it. Keep a super clean cage.  As I said, if its not a complete break, do as above, but get it checked at a vet.  To find a vet that treats reptiles:

If it was a complete break, do keep an eye on it for any infection or drying out farther up from the break. If that happens, off to the vet.
Most times, they heal with no problem, when a complete break.