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ornate uromastyx

22 13:29:38

Hi my ornate uro is very sick.  We have a 90 gallon tank with a male and
female mali each about 10 inches had female for 4 years male for 2 and
the ornate is about 7 inches and have had for 3 years.about six months
ago bought a red nigerian who is about 5 to 6 inches. The ornate was the
most active always hungry andfriendly. For the past week I noticed he
wasn't coming to the food dish and the past couple days I have been
syrigine feeling him greens and his other normal foods cut up in a
blender.  He is a tiny bit stronger and a tiny bit more active. Also his left
front foot is lifeless he moves his shoulder though. No bite marks no
show of injury. We don't have the money to take to vet just to walk in
door is 100 dollars. The tank has correct lighting and set up other uros
are fine and eating and ideas or suggestions??

Hello Krista,

I am sorry your ornate uro is ill.  Do you have a picture of him?
So you have just 1 male & 1 female housed in the 90 gallon tank, correct?  I am just making sure that there is only 1 male in that tank as males will fight.
Have they mated or attempted to mate?
Is there anything that he could have fallen off of to injure himself?  Are you sure that the female did not somehow attack him?

What types of foods are you feeding him?
What is the type of lighting you are using?  So, he is 5-6 inches, & how old is he?  
What type of UVB light do you provide for him?  Is it a fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?  Do you supplement him with calcium 4-5 times per week?
