Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > please please help i am not sure if my oriose is hibernating

please please help i am not sure if my oriose is hibernating

22 14:36:45

i have a leoprd tortiose who is just over 2 years old. i have noticed my toriose not eating as much latly and becomeing slower until the other day i noticed it wasn't moving. please help i do not know if this is a state of hibernation or if it has died please respond quckly i am starting to panic!!!!!!!!!

Hello Alex, Leopard tortoises do not hibernate in the true sense. They will enter a slowdown state called torpor in cooler weather in the wild. If yours is kept inside under constant temperature then you need to see a vet quickly. When tortoises are ill they can slow down to the point of appearing dead when there is still life left. Determining whether they have actually died is not as straight forward as it is with other animals. Best to let a vet make the  determination before you take any other action. These two links will direct you to a reptile vet in your area. Good luck.