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Central Inland Bearded Dragon

22 13:52:18

Hi, there, our bearded dragon called "Liz", has not eaten for several days & he is black when he is just in his cage & not being exposed to sunlight. He is approximately 8 years old. He has never had any illness before but about a month ago we decided to feed him some roaches from the garden (we are on a large property & don't use any chemicals). He also appears to be losing condition. Is there something I'm missing or is this a symptom of something. He is booked in to see a Vet this afternoon. Cheers

 If Liz was here in the US, and a product of inbreeding as most dragons here, I would have said he was elderly and probably near end of life.  However, in Australia, home of the beardie, I suspect he may have gotten some pesticide from that bug.  Yes, prehaps you don't use any chemicals, but that insect could have come from anywhere, and could have gotten some  pesticide on him before even going on your property, which is why most reptile owners will only by farm raised feeders.  I'm glad you went to a vet, hopefully, he has diagnosed a much simpler problem and Liz is doing fine.