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beardies housed w/ other lizards

22 14:53:10

what other lizards can beardies be housed with? if your answer is just "don't do it"  please give me an answer for what would do best if I had to.

 There are too many reasons for "don't do it".  But the main one is many lizards are territorial.  They are not keen to share space and will more often kill the intruder.  That's just nature.  The only setup that works is at zoos that have huge exhibits that display a habitat where animals that live in the same spot of the world co-habitate, and even then they must choose carefully.  Another issue is parasites and disease.  A new arrival needs a quarantine setup anyway for 90 days to prevent any chance of infecting other animals you may have.  If you have no way of getting another set-up, don't get the lizard, or contact reptile rescues to either take or foster the other lizard till you can get a new setup.