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Weird white growth

22 11:51:54

I'm getting long tailed lizard for free from a petstore because he has a large, white, pus filled bump at the base of his hind leg that won't go away...despite the bump the lizard appears alert and healthy. The worker told me the large abrasion explodes, realeasing pus, and grows back. What is it? Is is dangerous? should I adopt?

What is it?  I'm not a vet and I can't even see it so I can't help there.  Sorry

Is it dangerous?  Only if you plan on putting the adoptee with other lizards.

Sure, why not.  The lizard will get more attention @ your house vs. a store anyway.  

I'd treat w/ antibiotic ointment (Neosporin) and see what happens.  Just don't be super disappointed if the lizard dies on you.  It will die for sure if it stays there.  Hence, the reason the store is giving it away.  Good Luck!