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Why do lizards like hair?

22 11:51:54

It's me Amy again :) Bella my leo has been doing great. It seems like we've really developed a bond since I bought her about a month and 1/2 ago. She's very comfortable climbing on me and she even  cuddles up to me and falls asleep :)One question though she is always looking at my hair when I hold her up close, why does she do that?

Hair isn't something that lizards would normally encounter, so it's really not possible to say what her fascination is.  It may be that its movement catches her eye, and she is looking for bugs, lol.  It may be that she thinks it is some sort of plant, and is looking for good hiding places.  Do remember that she needs controlled temperatures, so limit her time out to a half hour or 45 minutes, a few times per day, so she will stay healthy.  Leopard geckos are nocturnal, so most of her day would be spent sleeping in a warm place.