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Traveling with our Bearded Dragon

22 14:38:11

We do a lot of weekend trips and camping trips. We would like to start traveling with our bearded Dragon.  What is the best way to travel with our 3 month Bearded Dragon?  We are willing to purchase items for traveling on a regular basis but don't know where to start.

Hi Kimberly,
Basically, you will need the same things for traveling as your beardie has while home.  UVB, HEAT, CAGE, DIET.................
With camping, you can leave the uvb at home as that you will have the best uvb there is for him...the sun!! What works well for outdoors in good weather(sunny, above 70 degrees, no cool breezes) is what is called the reptarium.  They are lightweight, easy to take apart and set up and allow for natural sunshine to get in. (do check the specs on the cages to see the maximum wattage of heat that can be used on the Reptariums) What is nice about the reptariums is they are pretty inexpensive so if you start out with a smaller one and need to get a larger one in time its not a major investment.
Also, to prevent heat loss in them (if its colder where you are staying) you can just purchase an inexpensive clear vinyl shower curtain to wrap around the sides of the cage...clothes pins will hold it in place nicely.
For travel....don't use the glass tanks as that if there is an accident, or even a quick stop, the glass can break. Many use what is called the SHERPA carrier, made for dogs or cats but work wonderfully for beardies.  
For heat while traveling you can do a few things...
they make inverters which plug into your cigarette lighter in your car.  You can plug a heating pad into that.
You can buy chemical heat packs..they come in a variety of sizes and some are made to last 20 and even 40 hours. ( sells them)  
For ease in traveling with insects, with your little one small mealworms would be the easiest...and when he is a bit bigger, superworms....and of course all the makings for his "salad" part of his diet.
I think I covered everything.  If I missed something, please let me know!!