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lump on lizards head

22 11:54:00

hi my leopard lizzard has a small lump in front of its ear which seems to be getting bigger He has no cut or wound worried it is not well . Cant tell you if its eating or not never see him to do . Please advice as to what this can be and if its life threatening as he really is a freindly lizzard. Thanx

Melinda,    I am so sorry to hear about your baby. This is not super common but, happens. It is probably a cyst and he needs to go to a vet and have it drained. Just some quick info about habitat. This is often misunderstood with these nocturnal lizards. They do not get their calcium from the lighting because they are not out in the day light in the wild. All he needs is a good UVA RED light for heat but, he does need to have access to a dish of calcium powder all by itself at all times. Trust me they he will eat it. Sometimes the white lights stress them and can make him not shed as easily too. They love caves. You can even make one yourself from nice flats stone from outside. Make sure that is is boiled for about 30 minutes. This ensures all parasites are killed. They also like moss in their cave which you can get from your pet shop. You can even mist it abit so the cave stays humid, but make sure you change it every week or two so it doesn't mold. Also make sure you remove any excess crickets running around in there. They can bite them and possible infection. They also love wax worms every now and then. They are high in fat and vitamins so don't use them as a regular diet. Let me know how things go. Good Luck, Tina