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8-year-old boy caring for geckos

22 15:10:29

My son is "babysitting" two leopard geckos.  He is enthralled with them and wants to handle them frequently.  He wants to take them outside (in a plastic shoe box), and let them crawl around in the house.  I just want to be sure he is not jeopardizing their health, and if he is, I want an expert telling him so.  I also need to understand the importance of handwashing before and after handling geckos, as I have read. Please reply when you can!  Thank you!

Maybe you should limit his handling of them to every other day.  They may get stressed out by his over handling of them but if they stop eating thats when you just need to leave them alone till they start eating again.  I don't really see any problem letting them crawl around in your house unless you have babys crawling on the floor also.  I don't let mine crawl around in my house.  They have a poison on them called salmonella so you definately want to wash your hands after handling them and before so you don't give them parasites.
Hope this Helps,
Tyler F.