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how to sex a tokay gecko?

22 14:38:25

Hello my sister has two tokay geckos and we need to know how to tell if the are female or male? How is the best way to tell. And do you know if they are easy to breed?

Thanks Jennifer

Hi Jennifer, I'm assuming these are two adults. Two males would likely be fighting by now so you probably have a sexual pair or two females. The males tend to be larger and more robust looking with a wider, almost triangular head. They are often more brightly coloured as well. If you can get a look at the preanal pores just above the vent, they will be more pronounced in males and may have small protrusions coming out of each pore.
I don't think they are considered difficult to breed, the ones I worked with bred without any particular effort on my part!. Breeders just don't tend to work with this species because they are still so cheaply imported.
The spring rainy season and food abundance will trigger their breeding activity. As it gets closer to spring with the longer daylight hours (you can do this with artificial light as well) start misting the cage more frequently and feed your pair very well, dusting more often with calcium.
Tokays lay hard shelled eggs and usually on a vertical surface, they cannot be safely removed. The female I worked with placed the eggs on the back glass wall of the tank behind some cork. The trick I used to ensure the eggs stayed humid and to protect the hatchlings from the parents was to tape a clear deli cup over the eggs. I put a few small holes in the cup and some damp moss below the eggs. I dripped more water onto the moss through the holes as needed. Baby tokays are adorable but just as feisty as their parents!