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Bearded dragons and iguanas

22 14:45:54

I know that you shouldn't keep two different species of lizards together. But what if i buy a baby iguana and a baby bearded dragon? I heard they kinda' grow at the same time... I mean the iguana eats veggies and fruits, while the bearded dragon eats crickets so I would be saving money... and maybe they even could like each other... I would buy 1 female and 1 male so they wouldn't hurt each other. I would also put them in a 20 gallon tank. Thank you and answer back please..

Hello Dominik, I am sorry but you really really shouldn't house these reptiles together. The Iguana will outgrow the Bearded Dragon in no time. Iguanas get very territorial and vicious. Iguanas come from tropical places and require different heat and humidity the Bearded Dragon comes from places like australia. Its really dry and hot. One will get sick from improper humidity or heat. And there is no happy medium. Not to mention Iguanas get to be 5-6ft long and beardies not even half of that. Iguanas take a lot of care and tons of space. Almost the size of a small bedroom. Beardies can live in a 55 gallon tank. Beardies eat alot of crickets and they also eat veggies. If you want something for a 20 gallon tank try a Leopard Gecko, Collared lizard, Green or Brown anole, etc. If you want more options let me know. Sorry again that you cant house them together thanks for asking prior though. Good luck and have a ncie day