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bearded dragon travel?

22 13:58:28

Hi, I was wondering if I could take my beardie to the desert for the weekend, how she should travel, what age would be appropriate, and other details would be appreciated. We spoke to the reptile store we bought her from, who are pretty informed, and they said it is okay to take her, but no other instructions. Help as soon as possible would be GREATLY appreciated.
            -thanks a bunch!!

OK, here's the problem.  Sure, if you take her out and sit her down in the desert it will be a novel experience... Provided she doesn't run away, get snatched by a hawk, grabbed by a snake, or run over...  

Then, once that is over, you'll have to have something to put her in in the car, something for the hotel room, and you'll have to find food for her everyday, and heat her up enough in the hotel room so that she can digest the food...  If you're flying this gets even more complicated.

I'd leave her with a trusted neighbor and enjoy your trip.  

If you do decide to take her DO NOT leave her in the car!!!  I don't know how big she is so I'm not sure what to tell you as to a carrier.