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Outdoor housing and temperature?

22 13:58:28

hello, i was wondering wether any lizards could survive a south african winter without any extra heating (sometimes in winter gets below zero)would beardies or larger lizards eg iguana ,tega be better?


Below zero, unless there was warmed insulated housing or the type of land where a beardie can dig a winter burrow that will give him som warmth geothermically, I wouldn't chance it.  It gets cold in Australia and the wild beardies will find dark places or dig burrows where rotting vegetation keeps them from freezing.  Iguanas and tegus are tropical South American reptiles and have even less tolerance for cold than beardies.  I would say, for the welfare of the three species you mention, when it get's below 70 at night for the latter two, they come indoors.  and when the nights go below 60, same for the beardie.  Best bet is to research lizards of similar climate all seasons to South Africa, either a native, or one from the same latitude, but always read up on what they do in winter and make sure you create an environment in your outdoor enclosure that they can usetheir natural instincts to survive winter.