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1-2mnth old veiled chameleon

22 14:32:20

we have 2 together in a tank, another 2 mnths and we will be seperating them, they are both female. i'm noticing on one just under her neck is swelling up, not sure if its a defensive mechanism or what but its got me worried.  i never got to see if she swelled up when she walked by the other one so....

Kerri,                                                                 This is definitely not a defensive mechanism. It may be too much Vitamin could be an antecedent to egg laying. You need to get them into cages and out of their tanks. Tanks show their reflection and can stress them. These are not easy reptiles to keep. I would say the are not meant for novices. If the swelling doesn't go down definitely take her to a vet. I am going to give you a site to research. These babies lay eggs no matter what.this is very hard on them ... basically lay or die. Heres the site....Good Luck.....Tina