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eating problems with leapord gecko; serious

22 13:52:19

hi; i am very concerned. I have just recently gotten a baby leapord gecko. And it wont eat. I fed it meal worms because thats the only thing it will eat. I have ran out of pin head crickets and have been only feeding it meal worms. It has a good living space. But no carpet because the meal worms keep going under it so i took it out. I water him more then twice a day so he has plenty of water plus I make it wet in there. His tail is small and it worries me. Also I have a experment for school and I have to see what food it likes the best and how it reacts. What can i fed it with out hurting it ? thanks for the help.

Hi Tayla,

 Babies can get relocation stress from being moved, and stress may cause a rise in gut parasites.  Get him seen by a proper reptile veterinarian, for proper diagnosis and treatment. You should get him a few waxworms to help give him some needed calories.  He can also have butterworms, small silkworms, and large phoenix worms.  If you haven't added a shallow dish of calcium, you should add that as well,