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How can you breed lizards?

22 14:28:03

My uncle brought wild anole lizards home from Texarkana and I was wondering how I can breed them?

Anoles should breed easily in a colony of a male and several females providing that they are old enough to breed

You might want to have them checked for parasites in a few weeks since you will be bringing them into captivity from the wild and this will be a big stressor on them which will lower heir immune system and make them more susceptible to internal parasite loads that the can normally cope with in the wild

Make sure that the enclosure has plenty of plants and a soil/ecoearth type substrate for them to lay their eggs in

You should be able to design a very nice natural type enclosure/aquarium for them and use UV lighting for both the lizards and the plants

Good Luck with them

Sandy aka LadyGecko