Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > HELP! i dont know what to feed my frog!!!!HELP!

HELP! i dont know what to feed my frog!!!!HELP!

22 15:01:12

O.K, here it is...
My friend and I were going for a bike ride and saw that my friends( she moved away and left the frog) had turned into a frog! So... being the animal loving person i am, i brought it home. He is very very very small, about the size of the tip of my thumb, to the first joint. Im not sure what to feed him!! please help me!!

Dear Jennifer,
thank you for your question.
I recommend returning the frog to where you found him or to a smimilar place. It's a wild animal and it should stay where it belongs. Apart from that, it might be a protected species. If you do want a pet frog, decide on a species and then look for a breeder, that way you will get a frog that's captivity-bred and already used to being around humans and in a tank.
Frog eat almost anything that moves and that will fit into their mouth. So you can feed the frog fruitflies and gnats, woodlice, small crickets and locusts. Get a good calcium-vitamin supplement and dust the crickets at every other feeding.
I hope I was of some help to you