Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > my lime gecko has sand stuck to the skin under her eyes

my lime gecko has sand stuck to the skin under her eyes

22 11:52:26

we started using sand in the cage instead of wood chips and now my lime gecko has sand stuck to the skin under her eyes and clear liquid on her nose and above and in between her eyes

Hello Courtney,

Please take the sand out of the tank now.  You can use either non adhesive shelf liner, or paper towels for the substrate right now.  
I would give a bath to try & get the sand off of the eye area.  
What are the basking temperatures on the warm end of the tank, do you have a basking light for her?  She needs a basking temperature/spot of around 88-90, with a cooler end of around 78-82.
Is she eating anything right now?
