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22 14:44:47

I have a ftg and he is still eating some and drinking, but he has a not in front of his hind legs and one of his eyes are cloudy and the little holes on the side of his head are getting bigger. What's that all about? Does it sound like parasite? and what can I do for him? I really can't afford a vet. bill right now and my 8 year old will be pretty upset if somthing happens to him.

Hi Lisa, I'm afraid that I don't really understand your description of him having a "not in front of his hind legs". I just can't quite picture what you mean.
The cloudy eye could be a number of things, including parasites. Infections of the eye, or debris in the eye and some nutritional deficiencies can also cause this. If the cloudiness seems to be right at the surface rather then inside the eye, then it may be a retained spectacle (the covering of the eye that should come off when they shed). It would not hurt to rinse the eye with some tepid water or saline (if you happen to wear contact lenses).
The holes on the sides of his head are his ear openings. The only time I have noticed them "appearing" to get larger is when a gecko is losing weight. They just appear more prominent on thin animals. A thinning tail is usally the first sign of weight loss in fat tail geckos.

There is really no medical treatment you can offer without a proper diagnosis from a vet. What you can do is make sure that he has the proper temperature and environment, a varied diet and the right calcium and vitamin supplements. That will give him the best fighting chance.