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unwanted snake in house

22 14:08:33

I live in Georgia and last week I found a snake skin under our kitchen sink in the cabinet. I searched the cabinets, I though thoroughly, and did not see the snake.  Three days later my wife was washing her hands and the snake popped up from behind the counter scaring her to a panic. I then found the snake, and even though I hated to, I did kill it because it was inside the house. The snake was identified as a gray rat snake. My Question is two parts. What are the chances that this was a single snake who had somehow found it's way into our cabinets and what are the chances there are others who are making their way into our cabinets. Thanks for any advice and help you can provide because my wife is in constant fear of being in our house and I also have a small child.

Snakes are solitary animals.  Rat snakes are harmless (other than causing heart attacks...) so tell wifey not to freak out.  Most likely the snake came up from under the house either seeking warmth or food.  Mice and rats are the food it would be after in a house.  Check around your piping and make sure everything is sealed tight to the outside, that should keep others out.  And if you have a mouse problem, get rid of it.  Good luck!