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I have to leave my anole alone what do I do?

22 13:56:19

I have a green anole and I have have to go out of town. What do I need to set him/her up so they'll be okay for about five days. (I'm pretty sure it's a female) I have a light timer. What else do I need to do?  

Hi Caitie:

I am guessing you have only one (1) Anoles?  Five days is not that long a time for a Anoles, I will assume you have a ten (10) gallon tank or larger.  Is your timer hooked up to a basking light? The temperature should be between 85 and 92 degrees F. six inches under the light and the light should be no closer then four (4) inches from thew screen top to avoid burns. I would have it set for about four hours on in a 24 hour period while away.  Obtain if you do not already have a live bushy plant, they keep humidity up and give the anoles cover.  Ivy or vine type plants do well for the anoles and are easy to grow.  Humidity should be kept around 60 to 75%, placing a large water bowl 3/4 full and a shallow dish with a wet sponge should work while you are away for humidity.  A heating pad under the tank should keep the tank at 72 degrees F.  With the house set at 68 degrees temp will keep it warm enough but make sure the pad is in very good condition and the wire is not frayed, I am nervous about a possible fire while away.  Anoles fair much better with a UVB and UVA light set up, ran for 12 hours on and 12 hours off, unfortunately this requires two timers.  For food, I would recommend cricket chow placed in a small bowl and several small to medium crickets that have been "gut loaded".  The crickets should be no larger then 1/2 the size of the anoles head.  Being that they are usually feed every other day, leaving an ample supply of food should suffice for the five days.  Is there any chance of having a trustworthy friend or relative look in on it while you are away?  If so, I would feel better as I am sure you would also.  Oh on your last day home, dust its normal daily food with vitamin D-3 dusting powder, then add the other food just prior to leaving.  Dust food no more then once a month.

Humidity and temperature gauges are inexpensive, pick up both at a pet store and keep them in the tank to avoid guessing what the readings might be.  Misting the tank is also a good idea as is covering 1/2 of the top if you are having a hard time with adequate humidity.  Also a male anoles will be larger then a female and have a more prominent Dewlap (Fold of shin on the throat).  It should be colored green a majority of the time, brown coloring is a sign of stress.  Anoles are nervous animals and should not be handled repeatedly, they can also drop their tails if grabbed so never touch their tail section if avoidable.

I am trying to remember all I can about these cute little fellows, I specialize in snakes and it has been some time since I read up on anoles but I think the above will get him  through your absence.  I recommend a good book on anoles, I have seen several in pet stores and I wish now I had picked one up and read it.  You may want to check with another sourse and compare my notes with what they tell you,  the main objective is to get your pet through your absence and I am far from a true anoles expert.                Hope this helped

PS. Have a safe trip.
Another PS:  Anoles usually do not like to drink from water bowls, If you can add a few artificial wide leaved plants to the tank, bend a few leaves in a fashion that will allow them to hold a few drops of water.  Several of these make shift drinking cups will serve the anoles better then the bowl.  A bowl can be left in the tank for emergency water use as well as to up the humidity.  Misting the tank will refill the cupped leaves.
Sorry for the extra PS but I thought of this a few moments after sending your answer.     Joel