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bearded dragon?

22 14:08:35

My aunt has a bearded dragon and she's thinkin bout giving him away...and I wahs lyke i`ll take him...I dnt know how old he is..but he's a foot and half  about. And she feeds him pinkies ..crickets and  worms...and roman lettace this ok?

Hello Liz,

Well, does he have a UVB light right now?  If not, you will need to get one for him to maintain his bone strength.  The best ones are the Reptisun 10 flourescent tube bulb, or you can use a Mercury vapor bulb such as the Megaray or the T-rex active UV heat if you will be using a 40 gallon or larger, tank.  
What type of basking light will you use for him?  
So, do you have any idea how old he is, an adult most likely?  At 18 inches, he is probably at least 10+ months old.  
I normally do not advocate the feeding of pinkies on a regular basis since they are fatty & they can contribute to fatty liver disease.  Gravid females benefit from them for a short interval, but should not be excessive.
Crickets, roaches, superworms, phoenix worms, butterworms, silkworms or hornworms are all good.  Mealworms & waxworms are fattier so they should not be used as staples, but for treats.  
As for the lettuce, romaine alone, is very low in nutrients.  It is mostly water.  Collard greens, mustard greens, endive, escarole, dandelion greens are all good.  Here is a great feeding chart for you to look at:

You will also need to supplement phosphorus FREE calcium at least 3 times per week also.
