Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > What to do with a hibernating wild Texas Spiny Lizard??

What to do with a hibernating wild Texas Spiny Lizard??

22 13:27:54

Hello Ms. Fernstrom,
We are in process of a complete home remodel which includes re-landscaping. So, we were tearing out some old holly bushes and came across a hibernating spiny lizard just covered in leaves on the southern side of the house.  We are assuming it is a she (no blue on her belly) and that we have identified her properly.  She is alive currently and we hope to keep her alive and hibernating. Do we move her to a remote thicket area, covered in the same leaves she had buried herself in or do we bring her into the unheated dark garage, leaves and all, until her new landscape is completed?  It is January in Dallas so the temps can fluctuate anywhere from 50 degrees to 25 degrees in a flash.  Thanks for an immediate response!

What is most important for her is to keep her somewhere where she isn't exposed to actual freezing temperatures.  She chose the South side of your house, which is warmer, and selected an area with lots of cover and protection from the wind, and buried herself near the foundation of the house (which is also warmer).  I don't think moving her into a thicket is the best choice, because it may not be as warm as the place she chose.  If you're certain your garage stays above freezing, that would be a better option.  You may also choose to put her into a plastic shoebox bin with a little water dish, and put her in the fridge! :)  That would probably be the safest location for her, as the temperatures would certainly not drop below freezing.  Since she'll be torpid, she won't require much room, and won't move around much.