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alligator skink eggs

22 14:29:41

we caught a medium size alligator skink lizard in our backyard in san clemente CA. it seems as though they are native here, we see them at the beach all the time. she just laid eggs though! weve had her for about three months and she is very happy, so we want to keep her and her eggs. do you know what we should do for the eggs? will the large crickets we feed her try to eat the eggs or harm them? when will they hatch? do we need to separate her from them? and when they hatch will she care for them or try to eat them? sorry so many questions! hope you can help. Rachele

Hi Rachele

Forgive me for not answering this in a more personal tone but I am not feeling well tonight

i did find an entire forum on Alligator Lizards on and this should help you with any questions that you might have on them

They look like really nice lizards and I wish you the best of luck with the eggs

Take Care
Sandy aka LadyGecko