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Leopold Gecko Feeding

22 14:52:05

We have a leopard gecko what we have had for about 18 months but all of a sudden he isn't really eating many crickets we feed him between 6-10 crickets every 2 days but the last 3 to 4 times he has not been eating any I'd say he's only ate 4 crickets in the last week can you give me any advice many thanks

 Without knowing the gecko's age and his set-up, the first thing I always suspect when an animal goes off his food is that his digestion is off due to possible parasites.  Parasites that are normally found in the gut in low levels can rise if he smeared in his poop or drank water he pooped in before you had a chance to change it, they could be present in his crickets, or he became stressed for some reason.  Any time he's off his food, he should see the reptile veterinarian.