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my juvi beardies trying to mate

22 14:44:08

Hi there, I have 3 beardies 2 female and 1 male. I got them as a trio at the age of 10 weeks. At the time I didn't know the sex and was glad when I realised I had the mixture stated above (as I know multiple males can fight). They are now 9 months old and the male and one female esp. have been engaging in a lot of mating characteristics/behaviour (head bobbing, arm waving and male turning beard black) recently I caught them actually trying to mate and I'd read that at such a young age this can be dangerous to the both sexes esp the female. So I've taken the male and enclosed him in a seperate viv. Since then, neither he or she seem happy they are acting very subjude an 'sad' and he is constantly trying to get out of his viv (scratching at the glass), he has lost his very good apetite too. It was lovely to see them together and I'm sad that they aren't now. I just wanted a second opinion on whether I've done the right thing and any other advice you can give me on the subject.

Hello Kate, you did make a good decision on separating the two. Because those are also the behaviors of dominant or threatening acts. He could be threatening her. The "mating" is also the same as well they will pin down their opponet in order to show who is dominant. So no matter what he was trying to do it wouldnt have turned out good. How large is his new enclosure? Does he have the UV lights and temperatures corrects etc? They could both be stressed. He wouldn't eat after being moved to a different cage. It is stressful on him and is for the best but he doesn't see it that way. I recently had to separate two of my lizards for fighting and it took a good week for the one that got a new cage to get his appetite back up. Its normal and just keep a close eye on him to be sure its not serious. The behavior that the male showed probably stressed the female emmensly. Reptiles like many other animals don't get the "pleasure" from mating as you would think. It is actually recorded that it is painful and not a very healthy thing either. It can be dangerous, so most likely she is still stressed out and somewhat scared. Just give them both some time and extra care. and let me know if anything new happens. Good luck!