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bearded dragon hatchling

22 14:01:58

i was wondering how i can tell if my dragon is a male or female... its a hatchling and i know its hard to sex but do they have certain attributes that can help me to tell... you see i would like to give it a proper name.

Hi Jennah, If it is really a hatchling rather then a young juvenile then sexing it visually is hard as you already know. Once they are 3 or 4 months old it becomes easier. Most of the methods used for adults like a broader head and well developed preanal pores on males are not going to be evident at this age. I have linked a good photo of a shot of the hemipene bulges evident on a male that you *may* be able to see on yours. These are easier to see if the tail is slightly and gently pull toward the head. Another method is to examine the width of the vent (the opening that they defecate through). I was not able to find a photo for this method. Place your thumb on the underside of the tail just below the vent and gently pull the skin down a tiny bit. Males have a wider vent opening and the skin will pull down into a wider, broader, shallow "U" shape then with females. Females tend to pull down into a narrower "V" shape. It makes it even more difficult when you only have one animal to look at rather then several to compare but give it a shot. You have 50/50 odds of being right after all!