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Common House Gecko

22 14:01:53


1 or 4 house geckos
I have 4 house geckos my sons & I caught in Florida (I'm assuming house because that's the closest description I could find). Two days ago I found an egg about the size of a marble.  I took a plastic bowl and filled it with a substrate of coconut husk shavings.  I moistened the bowl and set it under the 60 W heat lamp we use. The next morning, around 8:00 am, my son saw the egg in the bowl.  At 9:00 am, I looked, and the egg was missing. I fear one of the other geckos ate the egg. Have you heard of such behavior from house geckos?

 It's a very fuzzy picture, but the splaying of the digits and body shape does look like some kind of gecko.  Geckos are normally insectivores,  I would be more inclined to consider another "visitor" to a Florida home, but it's not unheard of for a reptile to eat another's egg.