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my bearded dragon isnt eating

22 13:59:51

hi, my bearded dragon hasnt been eatting for the past couple days. He isnt very active and he kind of just sits in the corner.
im a first time dragon owner and it may be that im just overly worried about him but somthing about him seems off latly...

Hi Morgan, How old and large is your dragon and what is his demeanor and behaviour like when you handle him? As summer starts to end beardeds that are around sexual maturity may start to enter a brumation period. This can happen usually anytime after 6 or 7 months or when the dragon is about 12 inches or more in total length. Brumation is the reptile version of hibernation and the shorter days, cooler nights and change in barometric pressure of the changing seasons can trigger it. They will slow down metabolically, typically refuse food and seek out and sleep in the cooler parts of the tank, it can last for several weeks. A simple but effective method to determine if your dragon is entering brumation or has become ill is to pick him up. Brumating dragons will appear normal, bright-eyed and alert in your hands but quickly go back to sleep when back in the enclosure. An ill dragon typically appears weak and lethargic with half closed eyes. If you have any doubts about an underlying problem then having a stool test done for intestinal parasites is always a safe move (and relatively inexpensive). That will rule out the presence of coccidia and pinworms which are both very common with beardeds and will produce a lack of appetite as well.