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Shipping a Bearded Dragon?

22 14:27:28

I have a 9 year old Bearded Dragon.  I am moving from Kansas to New York and the airline will not allow me to bring her on the plane.  Is there a way to safely ship my lizard?  If so, what sort of carrier should I get and how do I provide food and water during the trip?

Some airlines will allow it, so if possible shop around.  Otherwise, what I would do is leave your lizard with a friend when you go, then as soon as you arrive in NY have your friend overnight the lizard to you.  Pack the lizard in a pillow case, put the pillow case inside an insulated box with crumpled newspaper for cushioning, poke a few inconspicuous holes in the box for air (the corners work well for this).  Have the box all set up before you go so all your friend has to do is insert the lizard, tape it up, and drop it off.  Instruct them to drop it off late in the afternoon so that it doesn't sit anywhere too long and if the weather is at all extreme in NY have the box marked for pick up at the hub.  Pick up at the hub means you go to the shipping companies shipping hub and pick up the box yourself.  That keeps it from going into the back of a truck.  I usually also tell them to mark the box "keep from heat."

The other option is "Delta Dash."  Delta airlines will ship animals but it is expensive.  But with them there is no subterfuge involved.