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MTB in my bearded dragon

22 14:27:27

My son's bearded dragon may have metabolic bone disease and possibly severe (he drags himself across his cage sometimes using his head as an anchor).  Can this be treated at home and how long before we see results?  Thank you.

Hello Susan,

Yes, it can be treated at home.  However, you are going to have to do some drastic TLC measures.  
Does he have a good quality UVB Light?  If you have a 40 gallon tank I recommend getting a mercury vapor lamp such as the Megaray or the T-rex active UV heat.  The UVB that they emit is excellent.
You will need to get some liquid calcium.  You can get that from:  Just click on the medication area.  

You can get the Megaray from:

You can get the T-rex active UV heat from:

How old is he?
