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Housing Green Water Dragons

22 14:48:52

QUESTION: We are currently building a habitat for a Water Dragon and its going to be 42" Tall, 41" Long, and 19" Deep...We were going to get one baby water dragon and he would have lots of room to grow. Well when we went to the pet store they said it was enough room for 2 water dragons. I need advise now because my family all wants 2 but I don't think it would be a good idea. Because if they don't get along and everything it would be hard giving a pet away and its expensive to house them separately, but people keep saying he needs a friend. And we don't want to wait until we figure out that he is bored and does need a friend because if we do get two we want them to be introduced to the habitat at the same time... Any suggestions. Will two be ok together in a vivarium that size? What are the chances they will or wont get along. Is it better for them to be by themselves are do water dragons like company? Also would it be ok in the same habitat if we put a water dragon and bearded dragon instead of two water dragons. Just looking for advise thank you.
ANSWER: Hello, No dont get the other this is not even really big enough for one adult dragon. They dont need or even care for company and if yopou end up with two males theyw ill attack each other two females sometiems fight and male/female will breed too soon overbreed the female and eventually she'd die of over egg laying or battering/stress from the male.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: This is just a setup for the baby for now. After a couple years (or as soon as he grows up) we will be building another one and probably put another lizard in the old one we have now. We weren't planning on this to be his housing forever. Just until we can invest in something better. And that's what I figured. As with most reptiles I have found they do best on their own. I also asked about placing a bearded dragon with the water dragon, is it the same answer with fighting and everything? So we should just get the one guy and then upgrade him to a larger tank after a while and then get another but house him in the other tank correct? Thank You!

Hello. Yes your right most reptiles do best on there own. Well now I personaly own an adult male bearded dragon and had two younger ones that I lost intrest in and sold so I know alot about beardies and well Bearded Dragons come from australia where its dry and hot and they must be kept dry and hot adults being soked in cool/warm water once weekly babies three or four times weekly. Green water or chinese water dragons come from I'm not too sure where but tropical areas where its hot/sticky/humid but not a dead heat like Where the bearded dragons come from...they need to be kept at around 60/70% humidity weathers beardies do fine at normal household humidity levels sinc ethey are supposed to stay dry. This would make them incopatible as cage mates. I understand forgive me if you mentioned the cage thing in teh last email I offen just scroll to the question and anwser if I have a few to anwser. You can for sure get the water dragon another cage later on and put a Bearded dragon in his old cage as long as it offers lots of floor space or another baby green water dragon until he needs another cage as well. Best of luck with your new Dragon and any future ones you may aquire!