Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Please help me figure out what I have.

Please help me figure out what I have.

22 14:53:39

On Sunday my husband and I found a small lizard outside under a tarp in
our carport.  It was very lifeless.  It is about maybe 2 inches long.  
It is kind of a red color with yellow spots.  I put it in a jar with
some grass and brought it in my house.  After about 2 mins he started
moving around a lot better.  My daughter wants to keep it but I would like
more info about it first. We live in Nortwest Arkansas and it is
starting to get too cold out side for this little guy so please help me  

Dear Katie,
thank you for your quesiton.
Here's a list of reptiles that occur in Arkansas:
See if you can find your lizard there (google the scientific name for additional pictures). If your lizard is a native species, please release him again at a sheltered spot, he will find a place to hibernate.
If it's a foreign species, please try to make a photo (whole body from top and side and head if possible) , I might be able to identify it with that.
I hope I was of some help to yu