Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > liquid calcium for a bearded dragon

liquid calcium for a bearded dragon

22 11:49:08

hi tracie as you may be aware my poor bearded dragon has mbd in her back legs. she has been off her food now for about 3 months so she isnt getting any calcium into her. i was looking into getting her some liquid calcium but dont know whats the best kind.

and im from the uk so i need to be able to get it over here. are there any that you know that will be good for her. also one where i can just give it directly to her using a syringe as there is no point putting it on her veg or bugs as she wont eat them.

Hello Sarah,

Are you able to find a pet store nearby?
If so, look for the Zilla brand or T-rex bone aid.  
These two products can be given with a syringe or a plastic dropper.  
What foods are you giving her now, baby food?

What UVB lights are you using now?
