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black neck

22 13:26:14

hello, this morning my bearded dragon had a very dark black neck and I'm not sure what this means. this has never happened since I've had him/her. him not sure the sex but he/she is approximately 1 year old.

Hi Jessica,
If all else is normal with him such as eating, activity, etc then no worries..  He is a teenager and showing it. They "black beard" when acting tough, are scared, threatened, breeding season, and of course if they don't feel.  
As I said, if all else is normal, its simply because he is a teenager, acting tough because of it and thinks he is old enough to breed..but he has a long time before that happens!!
Females can also do this.
If you do a google search on "Bearded Dragon black beard" you will see lots of pictures of it and also videos and of course lots of info on it.