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bearded dragon cant on its own

22 13:59:18

i have a 4 month old bearded dragon and have been hand feeding him...  when i leave him to catch his crickets he seems to miss his food completely, he goes into a totally different direction than what the food is and stick out his toung.please help.

I can see he wants to eat and it looks like his aiming for his food but just cant catch it.  he is eating very well about 15 - 20 crickets twice a day but I have to feed him with a tweezers.  do I have to be concerned?

 I think your little friend should get an eye exam from the vet.  What UVB light are you using?  If you are using the compact or coil type, get rid of it and get the fluorescent tube.  Compacts and coils have been found to damage the eyes of many reptile species.