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pack man frog

22 15:00:29

I have just gotten a pack man frog. hes about the size of a small tomato not big at all.
He wont eat i did what the people at the pet store said but still no eating.
He almost died so now im force feeding hem and he seems to be doing good.but he still wont eat do i have to keep doing this i dont wont hem to die i love frogs.The store looked at hem and said hes not sick so im at a lose.
If you have any idears it would be most helpful.
                     Thank you.

What are the ambient and basking temps in his cage?  WHat is the humidity percent?  What are you feeding him?  What kind of substrate (bedding) is he on?  How big is his water dish?  Does he have at least two hide boxes?  Get back to me and I suspect we can get this figured out.