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Bearded Dragon - Older

22 14:42:47

I have a Bearded Dragon that is approx. 7-9 years old.  A week or so ago he seemed healthly, I went to feed him last night and he is very skinny and is sleeping a lot. I got him to eat a cricket today and he ate a little lettace last night. I have lived in Florida for approx for 4 years now and I have not seen him Brumate at all.  Could he be dying cause of old age or is he brumating all of a sudden?  He does not look good to me at all and I can not find a specialist around where I live.

Laura,                                                       Your beardie only lives 5 to 12 in captivity. I am soooo sorry. I don't think this is brumation. The only thing I can tell you right now to give you piece of mind is find a vet. I think this a natural death probably happening, but you will not feel good until you have done everything for him. Like when my rat got a tumor it happens in old age and there really isn't much you can do , but if I hadn't heard him say that I wouldn't have felt ok ....Good luck, Tina